Book a private event
and support us

Organising and helping plan your events

Take advantage of a unique venue for hosting your events: seminars, Christmas parties, conferences, training and much more besides.

  • Unique general meetings!

    Take advantage of our spacious areas to host your AGMs.

  • Dynamic work meetings!

    Fancy a change of scene and workspace? Have a look at our meeting rooms for hire!

  • Unforgettable price discounts!

    Award your prizes in a spectacular setting and put your prizewinners in the spotlight!

  • Rewarding training!

    Provide your trainees with the ideal training venue thanks to our extensive services!


See our rooms for hire

Make the most of an unconventional setting right in Strasbourg city centre and discover a much-loved venue for the local community!


The auditorium is the ideal setting for organising your conferences, shows, seminars or meetings. This amphitheatre is fully equipped with state-of-the-art technical facilities. Come and enjoy one of the most striking and comfortable interiors in Strasbourg.


  • Surface area: 130 sq.m.
  • Accessibility: 4 disabled spaces
  • Conference layout style: 139 spaces

Salle des souris

This space can be configured in line with your requirements: roundtable discussion, hands-on workshop, conference or team meeting. Benefit from a pleasant setting thanks to the large windows overlooking the Vaisseau's landscaped garden. This is tended to daily without any pesticides and is a member of the Club des Parcs et Jardins de caractère d’Alsace. A light and airy space providing a very stimulating working environment !


  • Cocktail layout capacity: 50 spaces
  • Surface area: 50 sq.m.
  • Meeting layout style: 20 spaces
  • Conference layout style: 40 spaces

Salle des 1000 miettes

The Salle des 1000 miettes room is bathed in light thanks to its window looking out onto our Garden. This is tended to daily without any pesticides and is a member of the Club des Parcs et Jardins de caractère d’Alsace. A green haven guaranteed to delight your guests! Enjoy direct access to the Terrace and create a unique atmosphere by hiring out this space in addition. The Salle des 1000 miettes is perfect for hosting cocktails, banquets and much more besides !


  • Meeting layout style: 60 spaces
  • Cocktail layout style: 150 spaces
  • Conference layout style: 75 spaces
  • Surface area: 150 sq.m.

Support the Vaisseau

Become a sponsor or partner of the Vaisseau and help to impart science to young people! Choose how you would like to help develop our exhibitions by contributing financially, in terms of skills & expertise or in kind.

Become a sponsor or partner

See our options for works councils

Works councils

Enjoy special rates on your tickets and organise an event for your employees at any time of year !