Unaccompanied visits

Organise a fun visit to the Vaisseau for your group!

Take your group on a fun and original outing to learn science while having fun! Explore our exhibitions together and unpick the mysteries of the human body, mathematics, light, plants, water and more... A scientific trail blending fun activities, interactive devices and hands-on engagement for children. The Vaisseau harbours a treasure trove of discoveries for inquisitive youngsters!

Explore our exhibitions

  • Technology

    The Factory

    Discover the mechanisms of artificial intelligence, interact with machines and develop algorithms!

  • Nature

    The Garden

    Set off in discovery of the fauna and flora at the Vaisseau!

  • Motricité

    The Playhouses

    Discover and try out different ways of moving and acting in the Petit Quartier’s houses.

  • Mathematics

    The Forest

    From puzzles to brain-teasers, develop your logical thinking.

  • Discover all our exhibitions
